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Hunting On The Outer Banks
REAL ID: What You Need To Know
Thanks to the 2005 Federal Real ID Act, you’ll probably want a Real ID if you plan to fly or enter federal facilities like courthouses and military bases. The Act, which was passed as a response to the September 11th terrorist attack, suggests that documents currently required to get a driver’s license aren’t enough to […]
The Renovation Dance. Plan Now For Best Results
Twenty years of age in human terms? That’s newly arrived as an adult and about to step out into the wider world. Twenty years as a home? That’s a completely different story. “In our (Outer Banks) market, if you’ve owned a home for 20 years and you’ve used it as a vacation home, you’re satisfied […]
Introducing the New Oregon Inlet Bridge
**Update*** Originally thought to be open in late December 2018 or early January 2019, the Herbert C Bonner Bridge, spanning Oregon Inlet will be delayed. The Coastland Times is reporting that Pablo Hernandez, the project engineer, informed the Oregon Inlet Task Force that it will now open by the end of February, or in Early […]
Exceeding The Code in Coastal Style
When it comes to new development, it is easy to dwell on the sort of construction we do not want, but how about paying attention to what we do want? The ‘power of the positive’ if you will. What follows is a call-out to local government and business buildings that were built, re-built, or re-used […]
Paws vs. Claws
My Outer Banks Home decided to find out if our residents preferred cats or dogs. Read on for a (very unscientific) survey of the Outer Banks in the Paws vs. Claws.
Unique & Unusual Clubs on the Outer Banks
Life on the Outer Banks has interests galore if you’re willing to look outside of the norm. Beauty and nature abound in every mile of our beach. If you are looking for something new, and to meet new people, here are some unusual groups that might trip your light fantastic.
The Hunt is On!
With the endless caravan of 4-wheel-drive vehicles loaded down with poles and gear, it’s easy to focus on fishing as the primary pastime of the Outer Banks. But for all the fun folks have catching critters below the surface, it’s worth remembering hunting’s role from Corolla to the Alligator River National Wildlife Refuge and multiple […]
Cozy Kitchens: Making Customers Happy For Generations
Nathan Neal still remembers, as a small child, playing inside the cabinets that his father, Cliff Neal, would craft when his business was just getting off the ground back in the early 1980s. Back then, Nathan would watch as his dad worked out of a small building down the road from where the Cozy Kitchens […]
OBX Attracts Vibrant Artistic Community
This holiday season we are all looking for that perfect gift. You know, something out of the ordinary. Fortunately for us, there are obx artists all up and down the Outer Banks that specialize in “uncommon and unusual” gifts. From glassblowers to jewelry made from leftover surfboard resin to repurposed wood pallets, you can find […]
A Season of Giving: Beach Food Pantry Fights Hunger In Dare County
As the holidays draw closer, the local nonprofit Beach Food Pantry prepares for its busiest season. The benevolent organization works to end hunger in Dare County each day of the year. Times like fall and winter, where the needs of food insecure families and individuals double, they are overcome with the help of volunteers, businesses, […]
Remembering Glenn Eure
Some have known him simply as Glenn Eure. Others will remember him when they hear the phrase: “Outer Banks - Living Legend.” The latter description paints a more accurate and essential picture of Glenn Eure’s presence on earth. Glenn had a strong passion and a deep love for his country. He served twenty-three years in […]
OBX Athletes Hit The Road
When Wayne Rodman moved his family from California to the Outer Banks eight years ago, he immediately saw a need for a youth basketball program on the beach that could build fundamental skills. So Rodman launched the First Flight Ballerz travel teams – which experienced more than a little turbulence in those early years. “Our […]
Invaders Among Us
Pick any random residential street on the Outer Banks and you’re likely to find that every fourth yard or so has pampas grass growing in it. You can buy it at every nursery on the beach, and any number of local landscapers might recommend it to give your yard that “beachy” feel. Pampas grass, however, […]
Cookin’ with Fire
There are plenty of ways to enjoy this time of year and a crackling fire is definitely one of them. Add to that a warm treat or even a whole meal cooked over the flames, and it makes for the perfect fall evening. After all, campfires are the perfect gathering place and a delicious dinner […]
About My Outer Banks Home
Since 2005, My Outer Banks Home has provided a variety of fascinating features on everything from local recipes, events, landmarks, history, and wildlife to community spotlights on the organizations and individuals who make this area so special. No matter where you are, each feature will remind you why so many of us love to call the Outer Banks home.
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